The Panorama of Brazilian Art
Photo: Museum of Modern Art ©
Museum of Modern Art, São Paulo • 22 August – 5 January 5, 2020
The Museum of Modern Art, São Paulo held its first edition of The Panorama of Brazilian Art in 1969 and was conceived as a way for the museum to actively re-engage in the contemporary arts scene. This year will celebrate 50 years of the event and takes the evocative term, ‘Sertão’ as its curatorial theme. The word commonly refers to the Brazilian hinterland but also carries more multi-layered and metaphorical meanings, some of which will be reflected in the work of this year’s 29 specially invited artists. The curator, Julia Reboucas proffers, ‘Allusively, the Sertão refers to both art and the state of art.’
— Christina Spearman