Optical Illusions: Super- / Hyper-realistic Paintings

Arantzazu Martinez: Detail of “From Here,” 2019; Oil on linen

Arantzazu Martinez: Detail of “From Here,” 2019; Oil on linen

The IBEX Collection is the largest, private collection of contemporary, figurative, hyper-realist paintings in the world. Co-owned by three collectors with a passion for art and artists, the collection features works by carefully selected master painters versed in the intricate art of rendering micro-expressions that capture human emotion. The team, helmed by founding collector and artist-at-heart Albrecht von Stetten, collector and cross-cultural connector Kiki Kim, and collector and business consultant David Willson, believes the world hasn’t witnessed such level of skill since the Renaissance. “Only artists with sharp observation, a keen understanding of human nature, and superb painting skill can notice, process, and express the micro-expressions of their subjects. Our patronage model is unique….as we offer our selected artists our deepest trust, wide artistic freedom, and long-lasting financial support, so they can truly devote themselves to creating their grand personal masterpiece.” With no deadlines, milestones, or artistic constraints, the chosen artists have free rein to create deeply meaningful works that capture all it means to be human.

After recent exhibitions held in Hong Kong and Singapore, the next is planned for New York in Spring 2020. Until then, we highly encourage you to visit the IBEX website, or @ibex_collection on instagram where you can learn more about the collectors and master artists. All photos are credited to the artists.

— Christina Spearman