Watchlist: Artist, Omid Ghorab

Courage, Mixed media on canvas

Courage, Mixed media on canvas

We discovered Swedish artist, Omid Ghorab, through his instagram page @streetartistomid and were captivated at once. Favoring and deftly executing Abstract Expressionism, Omid’s paintings are at once exuberant yet grounded in a sense of introspection.  We wanted to get to know more about the person behind such stunning works so asked him to share a little about himself with our readers.

Did you study art at university, or are you self-taught?
I have read individual programs in high school as extra education picture and art but I have painted with different techniques since I was 4 years old.  I have been painting as a professional artist since 7 years ago.

When was your first professional show, and how did it make you feel?
My first exhibition was 2013 with art gallery Lohme Malmö and it felt unreal for me to see so many people come see my artwork and give me such a positive response.

When did you first get interested in your medium, and what draws you to it specifically?
To be honest, my technique happened by mistake when I was trying to create abstract art.  I have painted different styles of art but abstract art has always been the thing that has stood closest to my heart when I create a feeling and fantasy image of something where everyone can see different things.

You’ve said that abstract art is the ideal visual mode to express "inner necessity" and convey universal human emotions and ideas.  Can you elaborate further?
Abstract / Modern Art inspires a sense of warmth, playfulness and rustic feel. With my art, I want to convey human emotion through a universal visual language of abstract forms, and colors that transcend cultural and physical boundaries. For me, abstract art, is the ideal visual mode to express "inner necessity" of me as an artist and to convey universal human emotions and ideas.  What I see in my art does not have to be the same as the viewer sees it, and this means that my artwork gives the spectator a part of the art they can interpret it differently.

Walk us through your process. Do you begin with a sketch, an idea, or do you just jump in?
Usually when I paint, I have inspiration from nature or music that has affected me, but my first step is to paint my white canvas with black color and then I paint in different layers of abstraction, which is painted with varnish color every time it has dried. 

And how long do you spend on a work, when do you know its finished?
A painting takes about two months to complete, and the answer to how I know it is finished is that the artwork speaks to me and gives me a feeling that it is finished.

Do you explore any themes or topics in your work, or are there any you plan to explore?
I like rust and aging of materials.  I would like to start creating to give a 3D feel, and sculptures that reflect my paintings and that you can walk around it and experience from different angles.  Sculpture that you can touch and feel the material.

What are your favorite experiences that inspire your work as an artist?
My favorite interest is to take a walk in nature or scuba and snorkel among the corals for inspiration. I would like to have an experience of the image I want to create as a work of art.

Art is very subjective. What is one thing you hope people experience in when viewing your work?
Art is very subjective it is true, but art can be an interpretative question for some and the feeling I create in my artwork is to be able to let the viewer take it in and interpret it as their own individual feeling, and possibly click with the artwork and love it or hate it.  In which case, it is to create a feeling.

Any upcoming shows? Right now I have no planned solo exhibition but am with some group exhibitions in Sweden. The dream is to have exhibitions in the USA, France, Italy and China and lots of other countries!

We believe Omid is well becoming a Vanguard in his own right. He is represented by Galleri Lohme and Rivercity Galleri. To see more of Omid’s exceptional work, visit his website:

All photos: Omid Ghorab