Buy & Hold: Superb English Ceramics
Sotheby’s presents the Starr Collection of English Ceramics, unarguably one of the best in its category, formed over fifty years with great passion and attention to detail. The collection, featured during their October auction calendar, reflects the diverse production of the Wedgwood manufactory, this year celebrating its 260th anniversary, and encompasses 18th century Wedgwood jasperwares, agatewares, black basalts and encaustic vases; as well as Chelsea porcelain, superb Minton pâte-sur-pâte designed by Marc Louis Emmanuel Solon, and over twenty pieces of reticulated Royal Worcester designed by George Owen. All photos: Sotheby's. Highlights from the collection include:
A pair of Mintons pâte-sur-pâte carnelian-red-ground two-handled vases (pictured in part), one dated 1878
A rare large Royal Worcester reticulated porcelain vase and cover by George Owen, 1910.
Two Wedgwood and Bentley black basalt ewers (pictured in part), circa 1775.
A Wedgwood and Bentley creamware 'porphyry' two-handled vase and cover, circa 1770.
A Wedgwood black basalt 'encaustic'-decorated calyx-krater vase, early 19th century.
A pair of Wedgwood & Bentley Black Basalt two-handled vases/covers (pictured in part, circa 1775.
A Wedgwood and Bentley Black Basalt two-handled vase and cover, circa 1775.
Two Wedgwood and Bentley Black Basalt ewers (pictured in part), circa 1775.
A pair of Wedgwood &Bentley Black Basalt ovoid cassolettes/covers (pictured in part), circa 1770.
A pair of Wedgwood and Bentley creamware porphyry two-handled vases and covers, circa 1768-80.A Wedgwood and Bentley creamware 'porphyry' two-handled vase and cover, circa 1770.A pair of Wedgwood and Bentley creamware 'porphyry' two-handled vases/covers (pictured in
part), circa 1780.A Wedgwood and Bentley solid agate vase and cover, circa 1770-75.
A Wedgwood and Bentley creamware 'porphyry' large two-handled vase and cover, circa 1775
A Royal Worcester reticulated porcelain two-handled bottle vase and cover by George Owen, 1918.
A rare large Royal Worcester reticulated porcelain vase and cover by George Owen, 1910.
A Royal Worcester reticulated porcelain vase by George Owen, 1918.
A Royal Worcester reticulated porcelain circular box and cover by George Owen, 1912.
A Royal Worcester reticulated porcelain vase and cover by George Owen, 1920.
A pair of Mintons pâte-sur-pâte carnelian-red ground two-handled vases (pictured in part), one dated 1878.
A pair of Mintons pâte-sur-pâte peacock-blue-ground vases and covers (pictured in part), 1892.
A pair of Mintons pâte-sur-pâte peacock-blue-ground vases, 'Too Fast'/'Too Slow' (pictured in part), 1893.
– Christina Spearman