Buy & Hold: Works by Emerging Artists

If the investment side of buying art is an area that you want to explore, then buying works by emerging artists is a good place to start.  Works by emerging artists have the potential to increase in value and often have greater financial upside than works that are already priced at, or well above market.  To help navigate the emerging art world, Saatchi Art publishes an annual report, Invest in Art, which introduces outstanding recent graduates from the world’s top art schools, and highlights a selection of artists at the next stage in their careers who are attracting international acclaim and recognition. There are other means and resources for discovering emerging talent as well, including the Market Insights guide in our Roundtable section that outlines how the art market determines the value of art. Through our own research, and gut, we believe works by the artist recommended below are worthy of collecting for the long term. 

Artist, Omid Ghorab

We discovered Omid through Instagram and were instantly captivated. Favoring and deftly executing Abstract Expressionism, Omid’s paintings are at once exuberant yet grounded in a sense of introspection. “My paintings are painted with acrylic and sleep in the category ‘Abstract / Modern Art’. They inspire a sense of warmth, playfulness and rustic feel… I'm inspired by great artists like Jackson Pollock…Mark Rothko…Bengt Lindström… and Anselm Kiefer…” Visit his website: and purchase his works though Galleri Lohme, Rivercity Galleri, Artely, and Read more about Omid in our interview with him in the Vanguard section of our website.  Photos: Omid Ghorab

Artist, Myungwon Kim

An exceptional young talent creating arresting paintings, prints and drawings that surely will only increase in value. Kim utilizes her training in printmaking, using its processes, techniques and materials to create large-scale gestural works. With mylar as her preferred substrate, she investigates medium and the color black by building layers of varied media. She is represented by Kai Gallery NYC, where her works can be purchased. Visit her website at:

Sculptor, Lukas Pittl

Austrian artist, Lukas Pittl, is a master woodcutter and stone sculptor whose strength lies in his ability to artistically capture moments, thoughts and feelings with great effect. He combines traditional sculptural knowledge and technical skills with contemporary interpretation to create modern works of great passion and appeal, seeking to give every sculpture an individual expressiveness with its own “soul.” “Whether profane, sacral, abstract or classical, every viewer should be able to feel the emotion of the work and interpret it for themselves.”  For inquiries or to purchase, visit his website at:   Photos: Lukas Pittl

– Christina Spearman